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Parents As Partners

Working with parents

We recognise that parents are children’s first and most enduring educators and they make a crucial difference to children’s outcomes. We value and welcome each unique family at our school and actively encourage parents as partners across the EYFS. We do this through:

  • talking to parents about their child before their child starts our school through home visits, visits to the school and pre-school visits.
  • inviting the children and parents to spend time with their teacher in the learning environment before starting at school through stay and play sessions.
  • inviting all parents to an induction meeting during the term before their child starts in Reception.
  • encouraging parents to contribute pictures and observations on their child's Tapestry Learning Journey. 
  • inviting parents to volunteer their skills and interests in a variety of ways, eg. Gardening, cooking, building a mud kitchen, talking about their professions and work.
  • running workshops and stay and play sessions to share our approaches to reading, writing, phonics, maths as well as supporting understanding of how children learn
  • encouraging families to read together and support their child’s development of reading
  • regularly updating the class pages on the website, celebrating learning and special events via the school’s social media platforms and providing  each child with a class email address, where parents can contact teachers at a time convenient to them.
  • Daily, informal conversations at pick up and drop off times, celebrating the days learning and building respectful relationships.


Parents and/or carers are kept up to date with their child’s progress and development. Termly parent consultation meetings and an end of year report provide opportunities to share success and identify future learning, enabling families to support their child’s progress.


Ways To Help At Home 
