Albert Pye Sports Leaders
In the Summer term every child in Y5 can apply to become a Sports Leader. They have to write a short letter saying why they want to be a Sports leader and what skills and interests they will bring. The children then have a brief interview with Mr McKenzie so they can talk him through their application letter. Once the children have been chosen they must attend a weekly sports leader club.
Over the next term Mr McKenzie trains the children on becoming a sports leader. His training runs alongside the Playmakers Award. This award was developed by Sports Leaders UK and is designed to boost the confidence and skills of those taking part, engage more children across the whole school in physical activity and decrease behaviour incidents on the playground. It's also a great introduction into leadership, helping learners develop skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork.
On completion of the training the children then have to organise and run an in-school event and then they are fully qualified sports leaders
Using the PE premium we have purchased tops to help identify the leaders. The leaders also receive a ½ termly timetable of clubs and lunchtime where they are expected to support and run activities. They also help at sports days and many other large school events. We currently have 14 sports leaders.
Active Travel
At Albert Pye we encourage all pupils and staff to travel to and from school actively. The main ways to travel actively are to walk, cycle or scooter to school. Children who live too far away and have to drive are encouraged to park away from the school and walk in to be active. By using this approach there are massive benefit to the children and their adults physical and mental health as well as the environment.
For more details click below