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Admission Procedures

We believe that starting school should be a positive, happy experience. All children have the right to a smooth transition into each stage of their school life.

If you would like to come and visit our Nursery or School to see what we do please contact the school office to make an appointment.


Nursery Admissions

  • You can apply for a place in our nursery by filling in an application form which is also  available from the school office.
  • Children are admitted to Nursery the term after their third birthday as long as we have a space.
  • Proof of address and your child’s birth certificate will be required. Please contact the school if you would like to visit the Nursery and meet the staff.
  • Our school Nursery has 48 spaces; 24 in the morning and 24 in the afternoon. The morning session runs from 8.45 - 11.45 am and the afternoon session from 12.30 - 3.30pm.
  • Parents can send their children to both the morning and afternoon sessions. If they attend the morning session and want to attend the afternoon session, they can also stay for lunch (for a small charge)
  • Parents need to be aware that a place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the Reception year of the school. At the appropriate time parents will need to complete a Suffolk County Council application form and school places will be allocated according to the school's published admission arrangements (see below)


Reception Class Admissions –Suffolk County Council carries out all Reception class admissions. If your child is not in a Nursery you can pick up the forms from any primary school or Suffolk County Council. Suffolk also has an online application form which can be accessed via the council’s website. After the 1st September anybody can make an in year admission, which means you can come directly to the school and register your interest.


Reception (in year) and Years 1- 6 Admissions – Please make an In Year application directly to the school by contacting the school office and completing the paperwork. 

For In Year applications:

Prospective students and their families will be offered a tour of the school by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Paperwork will be handled by  Active Learning Trust who will offer or decline a place.

Start dates will be issued. 


Admission Appeals

Information on admissions appeals is available from the school office.

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below

Further Information

Should you require any assistance with applying for a place at our school or nursery, please contact the school office on 01502 713420 or via email at
