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Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Today’s children are growing up in an increasingly complex world and are living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This can present many positive and exciting opportunities for them; however can also bring challenge and risk. In this changing environment children need to know how to be safe and healthy and how to manage their personal, social and academic lives in a positive way. Albert Pye Primary School are committed to providing a high-quality educational experience for all children that develops knowledge, skills and attributes needed to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared throughout life and work. Both PSHE and RSHE carry equal value to our developed curriculum and are seen as one closely connected subject throughout our planning. Our offer includes age appropriate discreet lessons alongside a cross-curricular approach developing the best possible opportunities for children to access all areas of learning in an effective and seamless way.


Curriculum Intent

At Albert Pye we are committed to developing a PSHE and RSHE curriculum that promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of all pupils. We aim to effectively prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. The RSHE statutory subject is interwoven through many other areas of the curriculum and we offer to plan, teach and provide children with high quality age appropriate information and support to ensure all aspects are explored. Our RSHE offer is a fundamental part of our PSHE curriculum and the provision across  our school reflects the connection within each area. Pupil voice is a fundamental aspect of our curriculum and children our given safe opportunities to discuss and explore current and relevant issues allowing them to take ownership of their learning and experiences. We have  developed our PSHE/RSHE curriculum through the support of the PSHE Association programme of study.  The programme aims to teach and support children through three core themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. PSHE and RSHE are deeply integrated within all the core themes, especially health and wellbeing and relationships. Topics within these core themes provide implicit learning opportunities to develop and deepen understandings about health and relationships.

Curriculum Implementation

PSHE and RSHE puts in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. It sits alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy, physically and mentally. The aim is to give pupils the knowledge and capability to take care of themselves and receive support if problems arise. Our intent is to foster the pupil’s wellbeing and support the development of resilience and character, skills that we know are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful, and productive members of society.

At Albert Pye PSHE/RSHE provides opportunities for the pupils to

  • Develop their confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness
  • Understand and manage their feelings
  • Develop social skills and social awareness
  • Better understand the nature of human relationships
  • Learn about relationships, the importance of communication and assertiveness skills including the importance of values such as respect (for self and others), equality, responsibility, care and compassion.
  • Reflect upon the importance of stable and loving relationships for family life, including bringing up children, this also includes marriage and civil partners.
  • Consider and understand the changes that occur to their bodies, minds and emotions as a consequence of growth from childhood to adulthood.
  • Reflect upon how to make good, informed and safe choices concerning relationships and healthy lifestyles.
  • Develop a caring attitude and sense of responsibility about the environment in which we live
  • Learn about how society work and the rights and responsibilities involved
  • Understand and use technology safely and responsibly

No Outsiders Video

Our No Outsiders Champions
