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We strongly believe that there is a direct link between pupil progress and a child’s level of attendance. We take seriously our responsibility of monitoring and addressing attendance issues and acknowledge that irregular attendance seriously disrupts the continuity of learning for pupils. It is essential that home and school work together to ensure all pupils at The Albert Pye Primary School & Ravensmere Infant School Federation get the best start in life.


The Education Act 1996 states that all children should attend school regularly and punctually. The Act states, “If a child of compulsory school age who is registered at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, his/her parent is guilty of an offence”.

Our Responsibility as a School:

The Albert Pye Primary School & Ravensmere Infant School Federation is responsible for ensuring that children have good attendance by:

  • Providing a curriculum that is engaging and meets the needs of all learners.
  • Ensuring that attendance registers are kept accurately, using all necessary register codes.
  • Differentiating appropriately between authorised and unauthorised absence (a letter from a parent does not authorise an absence, only the school can decide if the reason justifies authorising the absence).
  • Contacting parents when there is concern about a child’s absence either by phone or letter.
  • Phoning parents on the first day of absence if a reason for absence has not been received.
  • Consulting with the Education Welfare Service with concerns around pupil’s attendance or possible missing child.
  • Making a referral to the EWO service where necessary, adopting the Penalty Notice Protocol.
  • Acknowledging good attendance of pupils or classes (e.g. assemblies, certificates or prizes).
  • Giving pupil attendance updates through our website, parent interviews and through newsletters.
  • Issuing Pupil Registration Certificates half-termly and include them in annual reports.
  • Continuing to undertake regular attendance audits.

Parent’s Responsibilities

The Education Act 1996 states that all children should attend school regularly and punctually. The Act states, “If a child of compulsory school age who is registered at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, his/her parent is guilty of an offence”.

We ask parents to work with us to ensure good attendance by:

  • Ensuring your child arrives on time every day at 8.45am.
  • Notifying school on the first day of absence by phone.
  • On returning to school, provide an explanation for absence.
  • Providing medical information if requested.
  • Wherever possible make medical/dental appointments outside of school hours.
  • Not taking holidays in term time.


Each term you will receive a copy of your child's Registration Certificate. Please take a look at the table provided below to see if your child has excellent attendance:


100 - 99%



98 - 97%


Requires Improvement

96 - 95%

2 weeks of learning lost


90 - 94%

4 weeks of learning lost

At risk of penalty notice


89% and below

8 weeks or more learning lost

Will receive penalty notice
