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Learning Stories and Tapestry

Learning Stories and Tapestry 



From September 2023 we will be using Tapestry as our assessment tracker, to record our children's knowledge, skills and learning dispositions. It is a consistent and reliable way of demonstrating progress through the EYFS. 

The statements within Tapestry correlate with 'Development Matters' and 'Birth to 5 Matters' that reflect an 'age related expectation.' Tapestry recognises the importance and values the 'how' of learning and so the 'Characteristics of Effective Learning' and levels of 'Well-being and Involvement' are recorded too. 

Through daily observation and interaction we are able to build a rich and accurate understanding of each child across all areas of learning and development. 

Our assessments are meaningful and impact on our children's learning and development as we use them to inform our children's next steps which are personalised and challenging. Our observations then inform the assessments we make on Tapestry as children approach the end of each milestone. We bring our knowledge of a child together to make a summative assessment about where they are in relation to key developmental milestones. 


Learning Stories 

We use the electronic online Learning Stories provided by Tapestry to record the observations and then use them to support our ongoing assessments. These observations can then be shared with families. You can share all the wonderful things you do with your child at home using Tapestry, by uploading via the website or App. We would love you to show all the wonderful things your child has been doing throughout the day, but we also know and value the importance of actually being with the children and not having a tablet between us. Therefore, some weeks you will have more observations than others, because we have been engaging and playing and did not want to stop the flow to take a photograph. You will be given an access code to Tapestry when your child joins our school to see their learning story at home. At the end of Reception their learning story can be downloaded for you to keep and treasure. 



