KS1/KS2 Panathlon Club
Great to see the KS2 Panathlon club supporting the KS1 club. The Y5/6's help the set the activities up and showed the KS1 children how to play the games.
Balance-ability Club
During balance-ability club the children have been taking part in fun activities that build their confidence and spatial awareness. Children get used to moving the bikes around the playground, gaining all the skills need to progress onto a pedal bike.
This Girl Can Festival
We had a brilliant afternoon at the This Girl Can festival. 14 Girls from Y6 took part in Dancing, cricket, tennis, athletics, netball and orienteering. Thank you to Lowestoft college for supplying fantastic female leaders. Special mention to Autumn who won the bowling competition.
March 2023
Year 5 Basketball club have been learning how to protect their ball whilst under pressure. The Y6 sports leaders have been helping with the club and decide to use the tackle shields to develop the Y5's skills.
March 2023
Year 3 Cricket Club is focusing on their batting skills and aim and accuracy whilst bowling
Y3 have had an amazing time at Health Club. They have been learning about healthy eating and nutrition, power poses, healthy movement, why bones are important and took part in a litter pick around the school grounds.
Congratulations to the Y5/6 Basketball teams who came 1st and 2nd at the North Suffolk Competition.
Congratulations to the KS1 panathlon team on winning the ALT championship.
Congratulations to the KS1 Matball team who finished 3rd at the ALT championship.
Congratulations to both Boccia teams who took part in the North Suffolk Competition at the Ashley school. Albert Pye A won the competition and Albert Pye B came 5th. The A team will now be representing the school at the Suffolk county finals later in the year.
Congratulations to the Y6 indoor athletics team who won the North Suffolk Competition at the Sir John Leman High School.
3L Stem Club - March 2022
The children were very excited to see how far their land Yachts travelled using wind power. Well done to Elara who designed an impressive sail on her yacht. It zoomed to the other end of the activity area.
Congratulations to the Y6 girls netball team who finished 3rd in the ALT championship. A A brilliant result as they are only 3 weeks into their netball journey. Special mention to Ruby R who received the player of the tournament award.
This Girl Can
This Girl Can Sports event at Water lane Lowestoft. We took thirteen Year 6 girls here yesterday to have fun and take part in some new sport activities. It was a great chance for our girls to chat with other Year 6 girls from other schools.
Running Club
Today in Y3 and Y4 running club we took a few seconds to think about the children in Ukraine before we ran. We also used yellow and blue cones to show our support.
Y6 Boys Football
Congratulations to the Y6 boys football teams who completed in the ALT championship.
Year 6 STEM Club
Year 6 children have been busy making battery powered vehicles that move along by a fan attached to a motor. They have enjoyed racing against each other!
Y3 Stem Club
The children were very excited to see how far their land Yachts travelled using wind power. Well done to Kyfer who designed an impressive sail on his yacht. It zoomed to the other end of the classroom.
Year 3 have enjoyed designing and launching their own rockets. Well done to Isla who’s rocket reached the top of Miss Lane’s whiteboard!
Year Three Matball Teams celebrating their fantastic time at the Matball tournament. Well done to all three teams.
Year 3 and Year 6 Stem club children have been constructing mini hovercrafts using balloons, CD discs and bottle tops.
They have really enjoyed watching them glide across tables in all directions!
Welcome to Stem Club at Albert Pye
Last week we introduced Stem club to year 3 and year 6. It is a club that focuses on making lots of fun things linked to science, maths and engineering. This half term our theme is Flight. So look out for paper aeroplanes, hovercrafts and rockets being launched!