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Swimming at Albert Pye


At Albert Pye we understand the importance of swimming. Every child in Years 3,4,5 and 6 have a ½ term of swimming lessons. These lessons take place during the Summer term at the local Lido in Beccles. In those lessons the children are spilt into ability groups and receive the teaching for their level. Children can often progress quickly and they can move up groups.


The focus in these lessons are


  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
  •  Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of AT LEAST 25 metres.
  •  Use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.


School swimming lessons are different to regular swimming lessons and we encourage children to continue with their regular lessons alongside the school lessons because they will be taught more indepth. Those lessons focus more on skills and techniques. The aim of school swimming and water safety lessons during physical education, are to teach your child to be safe in and around water, with the emphasis on water safety. The national curriculum framework is designed to build water confidence and safety, rather than stroke technique.


PE premium is not used for swimming lessons but can be used to offer additional lessons for children who will benefit for additional support. Covid has had a large impact on National swimming levels with many children missing out on private swimming lessons whilst pools were closed. We are currently discussing how best to support children in Y6 who will struggle to complete 25m and perform self-rescue.


In addition to the lessons, Albert Pye also take part in the North Suffolk swimming competition at water lane. Last year, our Panathlon swimming team won through to the eastern area finals which where held at the National Aquatic centre, London.

Year 6 Swimming data


Total: 55 children


15m front: 40

15m back: 27

25m: 26

Survival skills award: 33
