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Curriculum Intent


At Albert Pye and Ravensmere Federation, we take great pride in delivering a Science curriculum which is not only designed to develop childrens’ knowledge and understanding, but prepares them to use this in the wider world. Our intent is to aid children in recognising the importance of Science whilst equipping them with skills for possible future careers. Our firm belief is that children should be the leaders of their own learning whilst also being taught in active and engaging ways to help them embed this knowledge into their long-term memory. We have collaboratively created the top 6 key principles to good Science teaching which are at the heart of each Science lesson delivered. 

We strongly believe that Science is a crucial tool in broadening our pupils’ horizons and raises aspirations for future careers. Opportunities to enrich children’s learning are provided and children learn through sequenced learning, creative lessons, engaging learning environments and extra-curricular activities. Through trips and visitors where possible, children experience ‘real-life Science’ further broadening their understanding of the subject and the opportunities that it brings.  


Children are leaders of their own learning. Through scientific enquiry, children conduct investigations in order to answer questions either themselves or the teacher has devised. Science is delivered in an active way which develops enthusiasm for the subject and allows the children to take ownership of their learning whilst also making organic links to other areas of the curriculum.


Our Science curriculum provides a balanced focus on both knowledge and enquiry skills, which are delivered to develop our learners independence as well as encouraging an ethos of learning through high quality questions. We have worked to develop our Science icon 'Doctor and Professor ORPIC' which breaks down the Scientific enquiry skills to scaffold children's understanding. 





