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Newsletter 06.09.21

Dear Parents



I am really pleased to welcome you back to the autumn term. A special welcome to our children and parents who are new to our schools. We also welcome the Ravensmere children into year 3 at Albert Pye.


Return to school

We are all really pleased with the calm start to the new term. Children and parents are enthusiastic to be back at school again and we were delighted today to see so many smiley faces. This is a great start!



Reading is very important to us to ensure children quickly build their reading fluency and parents are vital in helping us to achieve this. Reading also introduces children to rich, new vocabulary as well as immersing them in stories and adventures, growing their imagination and building their understanding of the world. A child's reading skills are important to their success in school, allowing them to access the curriculum and improve their communication and language skills. Put simply, children who read, succeed.


Over the next two weeks we will be holding reading information meetings for each year group. The meetings take place in the main hall on the following dates:


Nursery 16th September at 9am An Introduction to reading and sharing stories

Reception 16th September at 2:45pm Our approach to reading and phonics

Years 1/2 9th September at 2:45pm Phonics and fluency

Years 3/4 15th September at 2:45pm Progression in key skills

Years 5/6 17th September at 2:45pm A reading toolkit


Please make every effort to attend if you possibly can.



Now that restrictions are being lifted we once again will return to our previous expectations for PE kit. Children take part in two lessons of Physical Education a week. Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school on their timetabled PE days. We advise that your child keeps their kit in school throughout the week in a bag on their coat peg so they can take part in any additional PE. Please make sure your child brings their PE kit home at the end of each week. It is essential for all children to wear appropriate kit for their PE lessons to ensure personal hygiene and safety.


During PE lessons children are not allowed to wear jewellery of any kind, please ensure jewellery can be removed for PE.


Kit should include:

· White T-shirt

· Black shorts

· Tracksuit bottoms

· Sweatshirt or school hoodie

· Trainers or plimsolls


If there are any problems please discuss this with either your child’s teacher or Mr McKenzie.


Thank you in advance for your support with ensuring your child is well equipped for PE lessons.


School Meals


We are very pleased that Mrs Roffey in our School Kitchen will once again be serving the full menu and children will be eating in the hall and we will no longer have to use classrooms for eating. The menu is attached for your information.


Morning and After school provision


Morning and After school clubs begin again from today and places can now be booked via Parentmail. If you wish for your child to be added to the booking list then please contact the School Office. Morning Club places are available from 8am, after school places are from 3-5pm (Ravensmere) and 3.15 – 5.00pm (Albert Pye).


Term dates


A reminder of the dates for this school year:

Autumn term

Term begins Monday 6 September 2021

Half term week beginning 25 October

Term ends Friday 17 December

Spring term

PD day 4 Tuesday 4 January 2022

Term begins Wednesday 5 January

Half term week beginning 21 February

Term ends Friday 8 April

Summer term

Term begins Monday 25 April

PD day 5 26.5.22

Additional Bank Holiday day (in lieu) 27.5.22

Half term week beginning 30 May


Please note, half term for children will be from Thursday 26 May to Sunday 5 June because of the additional Bank Holiday in honour of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2022 and the national long Bank Holiday weekend.


Term ends Thursday 21 July


We all very much look forward to working with you and to a successful year.


Yours sincerely


Melanie Mills

